The Radha Krishna Temple was inaugurated in November 1998
by his Excellency the President of the Republic, Dr. Jorge Sampaio.
The installation ceremony (prana pratistha) of the Deities was conducted by Shree Rameshbhai Oza.
Since then, it has operated daily, welcoming all members of the Community and having its doors open to all people who wish to visit this place, which is a symbol of Hinduism and where spiritual and religious activities are carried out.

Daily Programs
8.00am - 10.30am | 6.00pm - 8.30pm
Aarti 8.30am - 9.00am | 7.30pm - 8.00pm
Special Celebrations
Check the Calendar to find out about events on special dates
Guided Tours
To organise guided tours for groups, please book in advance by contacting:
Email: secretaria@comunidadehindu.org
Phone: (+351) 217576524
The Deities
The Hindu Philosophy is rooted in the concept of Sanatana Dharma. It is based on the Vedic texts (Veda=Knowledge), millennia-old texts that are important philosophical and metaphysical Treatises, also including detailed information on a wide variety of aspects such as Science, Art, Linguistcs, Architecture, Astronomy and Psychology.
According to this concept, the Universe is a set of interconnected phenomena governed by intangible forces.
In other words, science and spirituality go hand in hand when it comes to interpreting the world and the phenomena of life. The Hindu Pantheon features a whole series of Deities, who represent precisely the energies that govern the Universe. These energies are present both inside and outside of us, and manifest themselves in the form of the Deities we see in Hindu temples. The sculpted forms are called ‘murtis’ and are built according to precepts set out in the Vedas.
The daily rituals performed to these Deities, as well as on special dates, aim to make us aware of what they represent and to honour this energy.

Since the time of the ancient Vedic culture, the lunar calendar has been used
in Hindu celebrations.
The solar calendar was later adopted by various cultures, particularly in Europe,
but in astronomical terms it is important to maintain the rigour conferred by the continuity
of the lunar calendar. Check the Panchang calendar via the link.

Guided Tours
We have free guided tours for groups from 7 people,
from Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 12.00pm.
Individual requests or smaller groups will be integrated
in already booked tours.
For tours on Saturdays, please refer to the conditions
through the contacts of our Office.
You only need to book the tour through the contacts:
Email: secretaria@comunidadehindu.org
Phone: (+351) 217576524