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Privacy Policy

Exoneration from Legal Liability

It is the policy of Comunidade Hindu de Portugal to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across Comunidade Hindu de Portugal website, as well as other platforms we own and operate.

We ask for personal information only when we really need it to provide you with a service. We do this by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent. We also tell you why we are collecting it and how it will be used. 

We only retain the information we collect for as long as is necessary to provide the service you have requested. 

When we store data, we protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. We do not share personally identifiable information publicly or with third parties, except as required by law. 

Our site may have links to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites and cannot accept responsibility for their respective privacy policies.

You are free to refuse our request for personal information on the understanding that we may not be able to provide some of the services you require. Your continued use of our site will be considered acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. 

We take privacy seriously and your privacy is important to us. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Kind of Information collected by us

We collect name and email address to subscribe to the newsletter. 
In the case of donations, we collect the donor's name, VAT number and email and address, just to identify who made the donation. 

Use of Cookies

What are Cookies?

Cookies are files or pieces of information that can be stored on your computer (or other Internet-enabled devices, such as a smartphone or tablet) when you visit our website. A cookie usually contains the name of the website it comes from, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e. how long it will remain on your device) and a value, which is usually a randomly generated unique number/email ID.


What do we use cookies for?

We use cookies to make the site easier to use and to better tailor the experience to your interests and needs. Cookies may also be used to help speed up your future activities and experiences on our site. We also use cookies to compile anonymous and aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how people use our site and to help us improve its structure and content.​


Disabling cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting your browser settings (see your browser's Help to know how to do this). Please note that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in the deactivation of certain functionalities and features of this website. It is therefore recommended that you do not disable cookies.


Third Party Cookies

In some special cases, we may also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. This site may use Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, which are the most widespread and reliable analytics solutions on the web to help us understand how you use the site and how we can improve your experience. These cookies can record information such as the time you spend on the site and the pages you visit, so that we can continue to produce interesting content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.

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