Airtime on Radio Antena 1 is also a right of Comunidade Hindu de Portugal, which releases informative content and interviews.
Upcoming Scheduled Emissions

Institutional Airtime
Comunidade Hindu de Portugal has institutional airtime on two RTP2 programs:
'A Fé dos Homens' and 'Caminhos'.
It also has airtime on the radio program 'A Fé dos Homens' da Antena 1.
These programs have the function of bringing together all the recognised religions based in Portugal,
for the purposes of society formation and dialogue.
A space to get to know different communities and religious traditions, encouraging inter-religious dialogue.
.The possibility that religious confessions have to share their history and publicise their participation in the construction of society through the program is an important contribution to this framework of understanding between religions, promoting religious freedom in Portugal and valuing what should be freedom, understanding and citizenship. The program's broadcasts began on September 15, 1997, after the signing, months earlier, of an agreement between RTP and 13 religious denominations.

It is a weekly informative program dedicated to the activities of the different Churches represented in Portugal. In addition to addressing the religious activities inherent to each one, it also has a social concern, dealing with topics of interest to today's society such as women's rights, moral and religious education in schools, music and young people, perspectives for the 21st century, among others.

It's a weekly radio program with information related to Indian culture in Portugal. Broadcast in different languages, it promotes events and similar contents, as well as Indian music. Every Sunday from 10am to 2pm at Rádio Orbital, 101.9 FM.